When will I receive notifications for requisition approval? (Connect Online)

Connect Online Accounts Payable (Managers)

Follow the notifications that will be sent at each stage of the requisition approval process.


(1) "Requisition [Requisition Number] [Sequence Number] has been submitted."

The user who submitted the requisition will receive a notification.

Requisitions - Submitted

(2) "There are requisitions awaiting your review."

The reviewer who is assigned to the approval step receives a notification when an approval item is assigned to them. The reviewer can click on the notification to review the requisition details.

Notifications - Awaiting review

(3) "Requisition [Description] canceled for Requisition [Requisition number] by [User]"

The submitter receives this notification when an approver cancels the requisition.

Requisition canceled notification

If an approver cancels a portion of a requisition, the submitter will receive a notification that shows what was canceled.

Requisition detail canceled notification

(4) "Requisition [Requisition Number] approved"

The submitter receives this notification when the final approval step in the approval process is complete and the requisition is approved.

Requisition approved notification

(5) "Requisition [Requisition Number] ready for PO"

The user who is responsible for converting a requisition into a purchase order receives this notification.

Requisition ready for PO


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How do I set up notifications?




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