Step 0. Before you get started

Accounts Payable Year-end Checklist

Before you begin the Accounts Payable Year-end Checklist, you’ll need to perform these tasks. You should complete these steps in the order listed below. You will be converting, reviewing, and correcting 1099 vendor information to prepare it to print on Form 1099.


- COMPLETE THESE STEPS IN ORDER. You must complete the Accounts Payable Year-end Checklist to complete the Calendar Year-end 1099 process.
- Print 1099s ASAP. When you've finished the Accounts Payable Year-end Checklist, print the 1099s as soon as possible.

What's new?

  • IRS has a new online portal, available free from the IRS, for filing electronic 1099s. The Information Returns Intake System (IRIS) is a free electronic filing services that's secure, accurate, and requires no special software. (Jan 25, 2023) [More]

  • Organizations with 10 or more returns must file electronically. [MP4] [FIRE Online Application]

Are you using the latest IRS 1099 Forms?

Click this link to download the IRS Tax Forms Reference Sheet. You will need Adobe Reader to view the reference sheet. If you need more information about Form 1099, you’ll need to refer to the IRS publications titled General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.

Download these items from the website.

Do you have the latest Connect release installed and running?

The latest Connect release will include changes to the routines, reports, and forms for the tax year. If you're not sure if you're running the correct release, follow these instructions to view the application version number.

Do this...

1. Open Caselle Connect.

2. Verify the version number.

The software version number displays in the title bar on the Connect Main Menu. To complete the Accounts Payable Year-end Checklist and close the accounts payable year, the Connect software version numbers should all begin with 2024.11.141 or later. Like this...

Software Version Number on the Connect Main Menu

202111, 2021Sep

Are you filing electronically?

You will need to complete these steps at least 30 days before the electronic filing due date.

  • You will need to sign in or create a new account. When you have been approved, the IRS will assign and send a Transmitter Control Code (TCC) to you. You should submit Form 4419 at least 45 days before the electronic filing due date. [TCC Application - Electronic Filing]

  • Can I reuse a TCC from a prior year? If you have a TCC from filing electronic 1099s from a prior tax year and the TCC has not been used for 3 years or more, then you will need to apply for a new TCC. If you have a TCC that is less than 3 years old or the TCC was used to file electronic 1099s in the prior tax year, you can use the same TCC this year.

  • You will also need the Create Electronic 1099 File module. If you cannot click on the link to Create Electronic 1099 File in the Government Reporting application, you may need to contact your Client Relationship Manager (CRM) at (800) 228-9851 to purchase it. (If you do not have the Electronic W-2/1099 add-in module, you can use IRIS to file electronically. [TCC Application - IRIS]) 

Link to Create Electronic 1099 File in Government Reporting

Have you downloaded and installed the Accounts Payable Year-end Electronic Checklist (XML)?

What's new? There are no changes in 2023 for the Checklist XML. If you downloaded the 2022 XML, you can skip this step.  

In some instances, the electronic checklist may have updates for the current tax year. To use the electronic checklist with the Accounts Payable and Government Reporting application, you’ll need to download and install the Accounts Payable Year-end Checklist XML file.

First, download the electronic checklist.

Right-click on the link and then select "Save Link As" or "Save Target As": 2023 Accounts Payable Year-end Checklist XML [XML] [PDF]

Second, install the electronic checklist.

For instructions, see the help topic titled How Do I Import an Electronic Checklist? Remember to add the electronic checklist to my view list so it shows up in the checklist drop-down list.

Have you issued all December checks?

Before you start the Accounts Payable Year-end Checklist, make sure all checks that will be issued in the 2023 calendar year have been issued because the 1099 balances run on a calendar year basis. You're 1099 amounts will be off if you start this process before all of the checks have been issued for the 2023 calendar year.

Have you reviewed the Vendor List?

Print and review the vendor list. The vendor list should include all vendors who were paid during the tax year. Make sure the vendor information that prints on the vendor list is correct. If you notice any issues (wrong information, typos, etc.), mark the corrections on the report. You'll need to enter the correct vendor information in Steps 3a and 3b.

202411, 2024Nov20



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