How do I filter transactions? (Inquiry)


Set up a custom filter to sort transactions in Inquiry. See the help topic titled How Do I Add a Filter?

What's new?

  • You can filter by customer type (2023.05). 


Applying a filter to inquiry

In Inquiry, click Manage Filter and and then select a filter. 

Inquiry, Manage Filters

Applying a filter will show a filter in the status tray and the record control bar will change to show the records that meet the selection criteria. 

Inquiry, Status tray and record control bar



Adding a filter to inquiry

1. Open Connect Accounts Receivable > Inquiry. 

2. Click Manage Filter 

Inquiry, Manager Filter


3. Give the filter a name and click to select Save This Filter. 

Manage Filters


4. Set up the filter. 

  • In the Filter criteria, double-click Column. 

Manage Filters, Column

  • Add the column(s) the filter will use to select data. 

Manage Filters, Selection window

  • Replace ALL with a search value. Do this for each column that was added to the filter. 

Manage Filters, All value

  • Click OK. 



5. Click OK. 


202308, 2023Apr10



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