Which approval process is assigned to a permit?


Look up the permit approval process. Find out which approval process is assigned to the permit and where the permit is in the approval process.

Looking up the permit approval process

1. Open Connect Community Development > Permits > Modify Existing Permits.

2. Use the Permit field to enter the permit number. Press Enter.

3. Find the field titled Approval Process.

Approval Process

The Approval Process field shows the approval process assigned to the permit.  

Updated 2018Dec05

Tracking the permit through the approval process

1. Open Connect Community Development > Permits > Modify Existing Permits.

2. Use the Permit field to enter the permit number. Press Enter.

3. Use this area to view the steps in the approval process and identify which steps are approved and which steps are pending.

Approval Steps

Updated 2018Dec05



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