Inventory On Hand Report
View the quantity that is currently available for the selected inventory items. Use it to check and adjust inventory levels to help you verify shipments and review items that need to be reordered.
Inventory On Hand Report
Printing Inventory On Hand Report
1. Open Connect Materials Management > Reports > Inventory On Hand Report.
2. Select the report dates.
The report calculates the inventory quantity that's available on the selected date.
3. Set up the report options.
Inventory On Hand, report options
Include inactive inventory
Select the checkbox to include inactive inventory. Inactive inventory is any inventory item with an activation date that occurs after the report date or a termination date that occurs before the report date.
Include inventory with a zero quantity on hand
Select the checkbox to include inventory with a zero quantity on hand. Zero quantity on hand happens when there isn't any quantity available at any location.
Print location detail
Select the checkbox to print where the inventory items are located.
4. Set up the selection criteria, report order, and columns. (Optional)
5. Click Print (CTRL+P).
Adding the default inventory location
To include the default inventory location on the report, click the Columns tab. From the Tasks list, click Modify Columns for This Report Line. Move [Report].Default Location to the Selected Columns list, and then click OK.
Columns tab, Selection window
The [Report].Default Location column is added to the report columns. Now, just click the report.
Columns tab, [Report].Default Locations
202205, 2022Mar22
Do this...
1. Open Connect Materials Management > Reports > Inventory On Hand Report.
2. Enter the Report Dates.
Report Dates is the report date range. The report will use the report date range to select transactions to print on the report.
What is the reporting period?
I want to use the current date. The default setting is the current date.
I want to use a different calendar date. Click on the Calendar button to select a different date.
I want to use a calendar month, calendar year, or custom date. Click Advanced Options. Then, select an option from the Date Type field.
I want to prompt the user to enter the reporting period when the report runs. Click Advanced Options. Then, select Prompt if Blank Date from the Date Type field.
3. Set up the Include Inactive Inventory checkbox.
An inactive inventory has an activation date that occurs after the report date and a termination date that occurs prior to the report date.
Do you want to include inactive inventory?
Yes, I want to include inactive inventory. Select the Include Inactive Inventory checkbox.
No, I do not want to include inactive inventory. Leave blank the Include Inactive Inventory checkbox.
4. Set up the Include Inventory With a Zero Quantity On Hand checkbox.
An inventory item with a zero balance is an inventory item that does not have a positive or negative balance.
Do you want to include inventory if the quantity on hand is zero?
Yes, I want to include inventory when the quantity on hand is zero. Select the Include Inventory With a Zero Quantity On Hand checkbox.
No, I do not want to include inventory when the quantity on hand is zero. Deselect the Include Inventory With a Zero Quantity On Hand checkbox.
5. Set up the Print Location Detail checkbox.
The location detail is the place where the inventory item is situated.
Do you want to include the inventory's location?
Yes, I want to include the inventory's location. Select the Print Location Detail checkbox.
No, I do not want to include the inventory's location. Deselect the Print Location Detail checkbox.
6. Click Print (CTRL+P).
The report prints.
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