How do I filter employee timesheets? (Managers)

Connect Online Timesheets

Look up a specific employee's timesheet.


Before you get started

Filtering employee timesheets

1. Open My Dashboard.

2. Click the link titled View Timesheet Status.

View Timesheet Status link on the Timesheet Statuses Widget

To add the Timesheet Statuses widget to My Dashboard, see the help topic titled How do I add the Timesheet Statuses widget?

The Timesheet Status page displays.

Timesheet Status page


3. Click Settings .

Settings button on Timesheet Status page

The Settings menu displays on the screen.

Settings menu on Timesheet Status page

4. Set up the filter options.

Filtering by department

Filtering by team

Filtering by position type

Resetting all filters

2019.05, 2019Mar27

Filtering by department

The Departments menu will show all of the departments that have you listed as the department manager. Use the Departments menu to view employee timesheet by the department.

Filter employee timesheets by department

2019.05, 2019Mar27

Filtering by team

The Team menu will list all of the teams that your employees are assigned to. Use the Team menu to view employee timesheets by the team.

Filter employee timesheets by team

2019.05, 2019Mar27

Filtering by position type

The Position Type menu displays all of the position types that are set up in Payroll. Use the Position Type menu to view employee timesheets by employee position type.

Filter employee timesheets by position type

2019.05, 2019Mar27

Resetting filter to view all

To remove all of the filters, click to select the Show All checkbox...

Show All checkbox

...or click Reset.

Reset button

2019.05, 2019Mar27



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