How do I submit requisitions? (Connect Online)

Connect Online Accounts Payable

Use Connect Online to create and submit requisitions.


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Before you get started

Launching the Submit Requisitions page

1. Open My Dashboard.

2. Click the Application button .

Applications button on My Dashboard

3. Find the section titled Accounts Payable and then click the link titled Submit Requisitions.

Submit Requisitions link

The New Requisition page displays. This is the page that you will use to submit requisitions.

New Requisition page

Updated 03Jun2018

Submitting requisitions

1. Use the Applications menu (on menu on the left) and click the link to Submit Requisitions.

Applications menu

2. Select Requisition as Type.

The online form shows the fields for submitting a requisition.


3. Fill in the date, requested by, vendor, and department.


4. Enter the requisition details.

Follow the instructions in this section to add items to the requisition.


Click the Add Details link.

Add Detail link

Enter the requisition details.

See the section titled Requisition Details for help filling in each field.

Details section - expanded

To add another detail, click the Add Another Detail button at the bottom of the Details section.


6. When you're done entering the requisition details, click the Submit button (in the pane on the right).

Submit button

The requisition is submitted. To view the requisitions that you have submitted, click the link titled View My Requisition Requests. .

Updated 18Jul2018

Requisition details

Use this section to add the requisition details. Clicking the Add Detail link will add another line to the requisition detail section.

Requisition details section on the New Requisition page

Click a row or click the > to expand or collapse a section.

Expand/Collapse Requisition Detail


Enter an item description.

Required by

This is the date when you need the items delivered.

Shipping address

This is the location where you want the item delivered.

GL account (required)

This is the GL account to post the transaction.

GL activity (optional)

You can flag items on a requisition for a GL activity. Use this field if you are using GL activities in the General Ledger.


This is the quantity to deliver.

Unit price

This is the cost per unit.

Extended price

This is the extended price.


This is the freight fee.

Tax rate

This is the tax rate.

Sales tax

This is the sales tax.

Total cost

Enter the total cost.



Do you have user rights to submit requisitions?

Check your User Rights in System Management to find out (System Management > Security > Setup/Modify User Rights). You may need to request assistance from the Caselle or IT administrator. You will need access to Submit Requisitions and View.

Submit Requisition and View


I can see the New Requisition page, but the there's nothing to select from the Type menu. What's wrong?

You'll need access to Connect Accounts Payable to fix this issue. To set up Connect Accounts Payable to allow users to submit requisitions, see the help topic titled How do I set up AP to submit requisitions?






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